Montessori ELC, Dandenong

Mathematical Material

Children display a universal love of mathematics, which is par excellence the science of precision, order and intelligence

Montessori believed introducing mathematical concepts at an early stage, as the young child has a naturally mathematical mind and the capacity to reason, calculate and estimate. Number itself cannot be easily defined and understanding of number grows from experience with concrete objects but eventually become abstract ideas. With her observations of young children Montessori designed concrete mathematical materials to represent all levels of quantities and mathematical concepts after she observed that children who are interested in counting, like to move items as they count them. In a Montessori environment, the child not only sees and learns the symbol for a number, they hold the quantity in their hand.

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Our Curriculum​

What Is Montessori Maths?

The Montessori approach is to let children discover numbers and what they mean through different sensory materials. Rather than children learning to write numbers from the beginning, the Montessori curriculum encourages children to physically hold blocks to understand the physical idea of numbers first.

Through hands-on learning activities, children are encouraged and motivated to count, sequence numbers, understand how much space objects take up and learn how to write numbers.

Montessori classrooms are designed to nurture your child’s natural curiosity and encourage them to learn at their own pace. At our Montessori Early Learning Centre in Dandenong, our classrooms are fully equipped with progressive and sensorial mathematical materials, which allow your children to develop and better understand the world around them.

The sensorial materials have prepared the child for the progression to mathematical material. Hands on material such as rods, spindles, beads, chains, cubes and counters in concrete form help the child understand abstract mathematical concepts with ease and joy. It helps the child understand quantity, one to one correspondence and later the four operations opening up the world of numbers.

Our Curriculum​

Montessori Mathematics Activities

In our Montessori School, we always start by introducing physical materials before moving on to more abstract ones and ideas. For example, red rods may be introduced during Sensorial activities so a child can see them increasing or decreasing in size.

Once introduced, these rods can also be used as part of Montessori Mathematics activities. Physical teaching materials can be used to reinforce numbers and concepts before moving on to other areas of Mathematics.

Some Montessori Mathematics activities are:

  • Number Rods and Cards
  • Sandpaper Numbers
  • Hanging Bead Stair
  • Golden Beads

Games and social interaction are often incorporated into Montessori Mathematics which allow children to build on what they already know and play and learn from others in their class.

The activities presented in the Montessori environment give children the opportunity to use mathematical concepts in experiences they may encounter in daily life. They are given the ability to measure, weigh, make estimates as they learn to deal with shape, space and numbers.

Our Curriculum​

Why Are Montessori Mathematics Activities Important

Dr Montessori believed that children’s minds are naturally mathematical. They have the ability to reason, calculate and estimate. The Montessori approach is to allow the child to move from the physical to the abstract and from the simple to complex. Through doing this, children learn a process of development that they can use in other areas of the Montessori curriculum and in their later lives.

The enrolment process

Book a Tour

When you book a tour with us, we’ll get in touch to arrange a time with you and send through a handbook on our programs

Visit Us

You will be invited to visit us where you will have the opportunity to observe a working classroom and ask any questions you may have

Register Your Child

We’ll then be able to register your child for the program and days you’re interested in and pay deposit to secure their position